Uphando Forensics

Payroll Outsourcing

Our Payroll Outsourcing provides a quality service, geared to meet the needs of our clients. We provide a payroll service for weekly, fortnightly and monthly payroll cycles, including the production of monthly reports. We also provide the full end of tax year function including the production of all statutory employer and employee information.


Confidentiality is of utmost importance when processing payroll. Our outsourcing services will ensure that payroll remains confidential and that all taxation is handled in line with the latest legislation. General Ledger information is also provided to ensure accurate cost distribution.


Our value added services include:

  •  Annual preparation of IRP5 and IT3 certificates, EMP501 and OID return.
  • Applying the latest legislation regarding PAYE, UIF, SDC & COID.
  • Costing of salary related provisions.
  • Customised reports in electronic format and hard copy.
  • High Level review of remuneration structures to ensure compliance with legislation and other statutory requirements.
  • In-depth needs analysis to ensure that you get exactly what you expect.
  • Leave administration.
  • Maintenance and reconciliation of all third party payments including garnishee orders and staff loans.
  • Mid year submission of employee data to SARS.
  •  Monthly preparation and submission of the EMP201 return for PAYE, skills development levy and UIF.
  • Preparation of electronic transfer files for net salary and UIF submissions.

The purpose is to help companies manage their employees more successfully by providing a superior payroll and HR solution. Market trends are showing that many businesses are evaluating the administration of their payroll and have found that outsourcing their payroll is highly cost effective.

Payroll and HR Outsourcing frees line management to perform more productive functions and not waste time with areas which they are not familiar with.

Correct salary contributions ensures a safe working environment for staff which increase production and ensures labour peace.

  •  All statutory requirements complied with.
  • Printing and distribution of customised payslips.
  • Production and reconciliation of IRP501 end of year returns and mid year submissions.
  • Providing customised management reports.
  • Transmitting your declaration file to the UIF on your behalf.

Our in-depth needs analysis will highlight specific needs for each organisation. This will assist us to individually tailor each organisation’s payroll to ensure compliance to the legal requirements. Our continuous feedback process ensures that we keep in touch with the growing needs of each organisation.

Payroll and HR Outsourcing frees line management to perform more productive functions and not waste time with areas which they are not familiar with.

Correct salary contributions ensures a safe working environment for staff which increase production and ensures labour peace.


Our outsourcing services are backed by professionally trained staff and software which is constantly under review and updated in line with statutory obligations and according to the changing needs and expectations of our clients. This completely alleviates the onerous burden of ever changing legislation.

Payroll and HR Outsourcing frees line management to perform more productive functions and not waste time with areas which they are not familiar with.

Correct salary contributions ensures a safe working environment for staff which increase production and ensures labour peace.

Salaries and wages – full function
  • Employee Data Base
  • Payslips
  • Bank deposit listing
  • Relevant report for payment to third parties
  • All tax submissions
  • All UIF submissions
  • All Coida submissions
  • All Journal reports for bookkeeping purposes

Human resources is a crucial component for any organization, but not every business has the resources necessary to run a full HR department on their own. Depending upon the size of a company, a business may need multiple full-time HR staff members to keep up with the many demands that fall under the wider HR umbrella.

For businesses in this situation, turning to outsourced third-party HR services is a good step in ensuring professional HR coverage. So, what exactly are human resource support services?

Payroll and HR Outsourcing frees line management to perform more productive functions and not waste time with areas which they are not familiar with.

Correct salary contributions ensures a safe working environment for staff which increase production and ensures labour peace.

What Is Human Resource Support?

Human resource support services are third-party services used by businesses to complement existing HR processes or to fill the gap when a business completely lacks HR personnel or capabilities. These support services can often be a more cost-effective way for small or medium sized businesses to obtain comprehensive and professional HR services for their business. HR support services include everything from basic HR tools to maintaining compliance with all legislations and regulations that govern employers and protect staff.

At Uphando HR services we provide services such as
  • Recruitment (position specific)
    • Induction of new staff
  • Employment Contracts
    • Draft and interpretation (new and transferred staff)
    • Interoperation(terminations/resignations and employee benefits)
  • Policies and Procedures
    • Draft Company/Industry specific rules and protocols
    • Implement Policies and procedures to the workplace
    • Assist with governing of policies and producers
  • Disciplinary matters and Industrial Relation
    • Support and guide the management team on all levels i.e
      • Misconduct
      • Incapacity (performance)
      • Operational Requirements
    • Grievances
      • Conflict resolution
    • Training and Development
      • Leadership
      • Soft Skills
      • Staff Motivation (Teambuilding)
    • Payroll
      • Full function including leave management and statutory requirements